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Automation is word that everyone is uttering at the moment, and it’s set to start changing the world, as we know it within the next few years. Scientists and researchers have been hard at work developing technology, such as machine learning, that will begin to take over many of the more menial jobs that don’t require many years of tertiary education.
And while many people are worried about the many jobs that are to be lost in the coming years, others believe that automation in many industries will have an overall net positive effect on the population, especially if paired with universal basic income. These are the top benefits for automation in the small business environment.
1. Reduction of Costs

When starting a new business, one of the biggest financial concerns that the owner needs to always keep in mind is the cost of running everything. Operational costs account for a large part of overall business spending, and sometimes the cost of keeping everything working can eventually sink the business. Low costs are like a home run, as they really add value.
Operational costs also include employment, and without a doubt, a business’s biggest expense is a monthly wage or salary. Brining in an automated system to take over a job means that a salary or wage no longer needs to be paid, and costs will be significant reduced to just maintenance and spare parts if necessary. On top of that, the productivity versus the costs involved will become negligible.
2. Increased Productivity

Any business that aims for success will need to make sure that they are meeting the productivity quota that they target every month. The problem here is human fault: sometimes a worker needs time off, sometimes their morale isn’t high and their productivity falls, and sometimes error can set things back to a large degree. Automated systems can run almost all day and all night, and only require downtime for maintenance checks or software updates. They don’t require vacation time and cannot become sick; meaning that productivity for that job will skyrocket tenfold.
The precision of the work is also increased as the factor of human error is removed from the equation. There may be some faults every now and again that cause a problem, but overall quality and quantity increases will make any faults completely within the margin or error, while giving other workers the time they need to keep morale high, such as lunch breaks or online betting NZ games.
3. Reliability
Reliability is perhaps one of the biggest reasons why automation has seen enormous growth in recent years. Reliability is key to any successful business, and it has become a concern among those in professional roles that much of their time is spent on mundane tasks.
An example is an IT technician; where part of their jobs is repairing and maintenance, they also spend much of their time loading paper and pushing buttons, and these repeated tasks done every day can quickly lead to errors being made.
But installing a system to complete the automated tasks, the professionals are able to do their specialised work in a timelier manner and with less room for mistakes.